PLDT Fibr Review 2017

 Here’s a quick review of PLDT’s Home Fibr. Since its launch, PLDT has earned praises with its first consumer-grade high-bandwidth fiber service Home Fibr. The most basic non-capped subscription and perhaps the bestseller for households is Plan 1899 monthly with landline included. The speed for this plan is 20 Mbps. Other available non-capped subscription are Plan 2899 (50Mbps) and Plan3499 (100Mbps).

pldt home fibr


You don’t really need to get stuck on using PLDT’s copper DSL and analog telephone. However, it is important to first check the availability of PLDT FIbr in your area. You can start asking around if anyone in your area already has PLDT Fibr. You can also inspect yourself if there are fiber distribution boxes in the nearest utility posts. These boxes usually come in grey, white, or black color. It is also equally important to take note of the span distance of the fiber optic box post to your home. In some cases, PLDT may not grant your application if the span distance is extremely far from where you would like to have the Internet installed.
Lazada Philippines

It is fairly easy to apply for PLDT Home Fibr. The requirements include latest billing statement, filled-out application form, and sketch of the physical location where the Internet will be installed.


Installation is easy because you need not to do it yourself. Technicians will come to your home to install everything for you. There is a one-time fee for installation which cover the fee for the technician and the router, but you have the option to request for the installation and modem fee to be included in your monthly bill.

These fiber optic technicians are also friendly, at least some are. They will call you and even respond to your text messages. Installation only takes about 30 minutes or less. Don’t forget to give them refreshments when they install the Internet.


Before the technicians leave your house, they will give you the information you will need. Activation usually takes 24-48 hours. If your Internet does not get activated in 48 hours, give the technician a call and they will take care of it ASAP.


Here is the million dollar question: Does PLDT really give the real speed in their Home Fibr packages? As far as getting a page loaded, the speed is fine. No lags. The page comes up right away on the screen. The question regarding speed only comes into play when the connection is slow. There are various online speed tests website where you can run and test the speed with.


The PLDT Home Fibr plans guarantee a decent connection to almost any server in the world. It is understandable if the performance is unstable when there are network outages.

Customer Service

There are various ways to reach customer service. There are dedicated lines for repair and inquiry, respectively. These lines are accessible via landline with PLDT Home Fibr subscribers.


PLDT Home Fibr is definitely a good choice. There might be some wait time during the application and installation, but once everything is installed, you can really sit back and relax. The plans and bundle packages are worth the price. If you are looking for a faster consumer-grade 20 Mbps subscription, PLDT Home Fibr is your best choice. The fiber optic technicians can set up the line from the post straight to the router in your home. PLDT even offers slashing the price in half for the first 6 months if you are switching from a different ISP. Check out PLDT Home Fibr Promo on their website.

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