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Banana Food Hack - Slow the Ripening Process of Banana: Does It Really Work?

Pinoy Life Hacks tried a trick to stop the bananas from turning brown so quickly.  We bought a cluster of bananas and ate a couple (we couldn't resist the urge) before separating  them into two portion. We wrapped one portion with aluminum foil (some say you can also do it with plastic) and left the other bunch as it is.

It didn't work for us. After a couple of days, we noticed that the bananas didn't really ripen significantly slower when they were separated or when they were wrapped in aluminum foil. The foil didn't really seem to change the ripening process. Both bunches looked the same on each day we took the picture of them. We had to stop the experiment by Day 3, otherwise, we would be making banana muffin or throwing these out today. 

There are so many life hacks on the Internet about how to prolong the life of a banana. Some say you have to wrap the banana stems with plastic to keep them fresh longer. The truth is, bananas will eventually ripen. If the bananas that you bought is already turning yellow, chances are they will continue to ripen in one to two days. If you got green bananas, then they probably didn't get enough ethylene gas or whatever enzymes that allow them to ripen. Therefore, you would be able to probably slow down the ripening process of unripened bananas. 

But hey, don't we want our bananas ripened so we can eat them? Even some stores reportedly gas their bananas with ethylene before they were sent for sale. We really can't keep bananas from ripening too quickly. Our advice: once ripe, eat those bananas. 

Note: Pinoy Life Hacks opted to try the experiment on Latundan bananas, which is one of the common banana produced in the Philippines.

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